HLS150 - Hydraulic Load Frame

HLS150 - Hydraulic Load FrameHLS150 - Hydraulic Load Frame

Universal Test Machine for Uniaxial testing, Unidimensional compression tests, CBR-tests and Marshall-tests (optional: tensile testing)

The test machine HLS150 is optimized for speed- and load-controlled tests. Because of its hydraulic drive, is particularly suitable for the analysis of brittle sample material.

A 150 kN load transducer directly records the load on the specimen. Alternatively, smaller sensors can also be used. With appropriate adapters these sensors can be installed and connected to the controller electronics on the back of the device.

With an external digital dial gauge, the travel distances and deformations are also recorded directly on the test specimen with an accuracy of 1µm and fed to the controller electronics. This compensates for even the smallest device deformation and loads the test specimen with the specified speed rate.

The operation panel with touch-screen and separate function keys with haptics offers a intuitive and easy handling The panel shows all measured values and gives an overview of the general operating status. For controlling and data recording, the device is connected via RS232-interface with a standard computer.

The operation panel with touch-screen and separate function keys with haptics offers a intuitive and easy handling. The panel shows all measured values and gives an overview of the general operating status.

The Software GeoDESC is managing the data exchange between testing machine and computer. GeoDESC is logging all measured and given values in a database. The software provides an online interface to MS EXCEL® for standardized and customized test procedures. This offers a free testing programming (using MS VBA®) and fully automatic and flexible testing procedures. Next to the logged data in the GeoDESC-database and the EXCEL test procedures there is an option for online ASCII-export during testing. By using the latest hydraulic and control technology from our own development, all components could be integrated directly into the device. The HLS150 enables tests procedures up to a maximum load of 150 kN with a small footprint and low power consumption.

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