SSD5 - Direct Shear Box

SSD5 - Direct Shear BoxSSD5 - Direct Shear Box

Upgrading any test press to a direct shear tester for shear testing according to DIN EN ISO 17892-10 (formerly DIN 18137-3) and simple shear testing

The SSD5 shear box is an additional laboratory device for upgrading any loading device and test press to a direct shear device. The shear box is placed centrally in the loading device in the same way as an oedometer or triaxial cell. The electronically controlled drive is powered by external electronics, which contains the entire data acquisition with a PC interface for the measured shear force, shear path and settlement. All parts of the shear box that come into contact with the soil sample are made entirely of stainless steel. The accessories supplied enable precise sample installation in just a few steps. In addition to standard shear frames for direct shear tests, a simple shear insert is available. From our product range, the ELS25 and ELS50 test presses are particularly suitable for use with the SSD5 shear box. In both cases, a fully-fledged direct shear device can be set up. The test-dependent control and coordination of the horizontal and vertical axes is carried out by the GeoDESC PC software.

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