ESD60.60 - Large Shear Box Device

ESD60.60 - Large Shear Box DeviceESD60.60 - Large Shear Box Device

Direct Shear Testing acc. DIN EN ISO 17892-10, Cyclic Shear Tests, Pull-out Tests with geosynthetics acc. DIN 60009, Determination of shear strength and friction behavior of different materials

The large shear box device ESD60.60 is used to determine gravel, soil and geotextiles with force and displacement-controlled tests. This includes direct shear tests in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17892-10 (e.g.) and in conjunction with geotextiles tests in accordance with DIN EN ISO 12597-1. With appropriate accessories, pull-out tests with geotextiles and geogrids according to DIN 60009 can be realized.
The load / normal stress is generated electropneumatically in this special apparatus. The shear drive is designed electromechanically.

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