ESD10.5 - Universal Direct Shear Device

ESD10.5 - Universal Direct Shear DeviceESD10.5 - Universal Direct Shear Device

Direct Shear Testing, Cyclic Shear Testing, Simple-Shear-Tests acc. ASTM D6528-07
also adaptable for Triaxial Testing, Uniaxial Testing, Unidimensional Compression Tests

This universal and modular laboratory device is equipped with electromechanical spindle drives (in the vertical and horizontal spindle) for force, displacement and speed-controlled tests.
The device consists of a shear box type SSD5 shear box and a test press (equivalent to ELS25) for generating normal stress. The control electronics of the shear box are integrated in the housing of the test press. The shear box is placed in the center of the load frame in the same way as an oedometer or triaxial cell. If the shear box is electrically connected to the test press, the test device automatically recognizes the new functionality, adjusts the application on the touch screen accordingly and limits the maximum load to the value permitted for the shear box. If the electrical connections between the shear box and the load frame are separated, the universal test machine is available for odometer tests, uniaxial tests or triaxial tests with its full load range.

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