With the help of our mobile, DKD-certified measuring technology, we calibrate your devices and systems directly on site using computer support. We offer this service for the physical quantities force, displacement, pressure and voltage. A corresponding test report, which you will receive after the calibration, certifies the measured values.

In the field of geotechnics, we calibrate typical soil mechanics testing devices such as oedometers, shear testers, triaxial systems, etc. Simply send your inquiry to info@geomation.de or give us a call!
We also offer our calibration service for the following test devices from other manufacturers (including GIESA mbH, SAD GmbH, infraTest Prüftechnik GmbH):
Direct Shear Devices
- RS2, RS2a. RS2b, SS2, SS2a, SS5, SS5a
- RS5, RS5W, RS5a, RS5b, RS15
- SL100, SL100z, SLp100, SLp100z
- SP100, SP100-E
Large Shear Devices
- RS100, SL300z
Testing machines for uniaxial and triaxial tests
- UP25, UP25K, UP25a, UP25b
- UP50, UP50-IF
- UP60, UP60a, UP60b
- UP100
- UP100H
- UP200
- P100H
- P900H
- PE5, PE5z, PE10, PE10z
Pneumatic Consolidation machines
- PP5, PP5a, PP5b
- PR20
Laboratory vane tester
- FL2
- SF0
Pressure generators for triaxial systems
- DV20
- DV20a
Burettes for triaxial and permeability systems
- VME1, VME2
Pressure regulator
- DR10
Field vane tester
- FFL100